- Angel
- Angry Girlfriend
- Baby Moon
- Big House
- Biggun
- Blondie
- Blue Eyes
- Bubble
- Buzz Cut
- Call-out
- Canteen
- Captain Sav-a Ho
- Carney Rot
- Carnival Clean-up Crew
- Cell-in
- Celly
- Cheeking
- Chomo, Cho
- Christine
- Church Lady
- City Bible Church
- Coffee Creek Quilters
- Con Marche
- Cops, Po-Po, PO-lice, Badges, Guards, Pigs, Bacon
- Counting Jiggs
- Crop Dusting, Drive by
- Cutter
- D.R.
- Dharma Rain Zen Center
- Exorcist
- Fall
- Falling
- Fishing
- Five Alive
- Flatback Ho, Top Dolla Ho, Golf Cart Ho, Snow Ho
- Gerry
- Girlfriend
- Haley
- Helen of Troy
- Hippie Chick
- Ho Bath/PTA
- Ho Stro
- Hole, Hole Time
- In the Vest
- Jack
- Kalikimaka
- Karen
- Kick-down
- Kyte, Kyting
- Lala
- Lifer
- Living Yoga
- Loretta
- MacGyver, MacGyvering
- Mean Mug
- Mean School
- Melancholy Baby
- Mercy Corps NW LIFE Inside Class
- Miss Clever
- Mittens
- Mugshot
- Nate
- Nikki
- Off the hook, Off the chain
- On the Chain
- Orders of Conduct
- P.C'd Up
- Patty
- Pearl
- Pimp Hand
- Prison Fellowship
- Prison friends
- Punk
- Put your foot in it
- Rainy
- Rape-o Status
- Recidivists
- Robin
- Roll up
- Rotary Club of Wilsonville
- Sam
- Silver
- Sinful
- Skins, Strip Search, Squat and Cough
- Slip n Slide
- Snitch, A Teller
- Stretch
- Sweetie Pie
- Tamra Upton
- Tank
- Teddy Bear
- The Cage
- The Enforcer
- Tizzy
- Tom
- Tossed
- Trent
- Twin One and Twin Two
- Wise Owl
- Write Around Portland